
Biodiversity: Why we need to talk about it | Janosch Birkert (EYCarbon)

Die Klimakrise ist tagtäglich präsent, und die Verringerung der CO2-Emissionen steht im Mittelpunkt vieler wirtschaftlicher Bemühungen. Doch wir zerstören unseren Planeten auch auf andere Weise, vor allem im Bereich der Artenvielfalt. Heute leben 60 Prozent weniger Wirbeltiere auf der Erde als 1970, und die Zahl der Fluginsekten ist in Deutschland in den letzten 30 Jahren um mindestens 75 Prozent zurückgegangen.

Biodiversity: Why we need to talk about it | Janosch Birkert (EYCarbon) Read More »

Embedded Payments: On the Way to Invisible Payments? | Jochen Siegert (Payment & Banking)

The topic of embedded payments has been occupying the industry for several years. Providers such as Uber, Amazon and eBay have been using embedded payments to simplify the individual user journey for their customers for some time now and are making the payment process increasingly invisible – and the trend is rising. Reason enough for us to take a look at the status quo and see where embedded payments are currently being used and what potential the topic has.

Embedded Payments: On the Way to Invisible Payments? | Jochen Siegert (Payment & Banking) Read More »

Apple Vision Pro: Is this the XR breakthrough? | Thomas Zuchtriegel (CORTICORE)

Wir wissen nicht, wie das bei euch war, aber unsere Social Media Feeds waren letzte Woche voll davon: die Apple Vision Pro. Am Montag, 05. Juni 2023, hat Apple auf seiner jährlichen WWDC-Konferenz sein neuestes Gadget vorgestellt, eine XR-Brille. Ist der erste Hype darum gerechtfertigt? Und was ist an dem strategischen Ansatz Apples interessant? Diese und weitere Fragen besprechen Dirk und Dennis im Podcast mit Thomas Zuchtriegel (Co-Founder & CEO, CORTICORE).

Apple Vision Pro: Is this the XR breakthrough? | Thomas Zuchtriegel (CORTICORE) Read More »

DORA: What lies ahead for financial service providers? | Markus Priller (Deloitte)

The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) is not only a word monster, but will soon become an important component for the IT security of banks. The regulation came into force on 16 January 2023, and from then on financial companies will have 24 months to implement all regulatory requirements. All with one goal: to minimise vulnerability to ICT disruptions and cyber threats. We asked ourselves what financial service providers will have to face in the coming months.

DORA: What lies ahead for financial service providers? | Markus Priller (Deloitte) Read More »

Sustainable construction financing: More appearance than reality? | Carsten Zimmermann (Bundesverband Baufinanzierung e.V.)

Sustainable construction financing is becoming more and more popular. This means that financing sustainable construction should become increasingly important. One would think so. It should be strictly and clearly regulated. One would think. But: as in so many areas related to sustainability, a lot is still in the making. Time for Dennis and Dirk to talk about this in the podcast with Carsten Zimmermann (Bundesverband Baufinanzierung e.V.).

Sustainable construction financing: More appearance than reality? | Carsten Zimmermann (Bundesverband Baufinanzierung e.V.) Read More »

Are we experiencing a FinTech “turn of the times”? | Christopher Schmitz (EY)

N26 and Revolut devalued, layoffs at FinTechs, insolvencies – are we currently seeing a “turn of the times” on the FinTech market? Or is everything half as bad? We at neosfer have been asking ourselves this question for quite some time. Reason enough to talk about it in the podcast, Sebastian and Dirk have therefore invited Christopher Schmitz (EY) into the virtual podcast studio.

Are we experiencing a FinTech “turn of the times”? | Christopher Schmitz (EY) Read More »

Bancassurance: Old wine in new bottles? | Sebastian Langrehr (Friendsurance)

Allfinanz, bancassurance, bancassurance2.0 – no matter what you call it, it has been present in the financial sector for years: cooperation between banks and insurance companies. For years, bancassurance has been said to have a lot of potential, but the real breakthrough has not yet come. At least it is not perceived. Or do we see it wrong? Reason enough for Dirk and Dennis to talk to expert Sebastian Langrehr (Friendsurance).

Bancassurance: Old wine in new bottles? | Sebastian Langrehr (Friendsurance) Read More »

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