
Crypto combined with Investment-as-a-Service | Lukas Enzersdorfer-Konrad (Bitpanda Technology Solutions)

Investment-as-a-service combined with crypto – sounds like a lot of buzzwords? Maybe, but Bitpanda has been one of the biggest players in the European market for years. Now they are offering their expertise as a software-as-a-service product for established banks. Can this work? Are established financial service providers ready for this yet?
Sebastian and Dirk discuss these and many more questions in a conversation with Lukas Enzersdorfer-Konrad from Bitpanda Technology Solutions.

Crypto combined with Investment-as-a-Service | Lukas Enzersdorfer-Konrad (Bitpanda Technology Solutions) Read More »

How do you actually become a finfluencer? | Katharina Brunsendorf (finanz-heldinnen)

In recent years, influencers have increasingly become everyday companions. In the area of finance, too. These financial influencers (finfluencer for short) give tips on investing – sometimes just educational content, but sometimes specific recommendations. Is that how it should be? And what does this finfluencer trend actually mean for established bank advisors?

How do you actually become a finfluencer? | Katharina Brunsendorf (finanz-heldinnen) Read More »

#Special Episode – ESG & Tokenization | Frankfurt Digital Finance 2023 (English)

This special episode is a recording of the English-language live panel on “ESG & Tokenization” at Frankfurt Digital Finance 2023. Nicolai Bastian from our Invest team discussed with four guests – Peter Lange (Sustaim), Evgeny Matershev (iVE.ONE), Saul Nowotny (DSGV), Christopher Lang (TOKENY) – how and if ESG and tokenization fit together.

#Special Episode – ESG & Tokenization | Frankfurt Digital Finance 2023 (English) Read More »

72 – Financial education: Why do we need to talk about it? | Julia Kruslin & Sophie Thurner (beatvest)

Well, when did you start dealing with finances? And above all, where? The survey among the host team showed: School didn’t make any of us do it. Unfortunately, far too few people in Germany deal with finances, often due to a lack of knowledge. Our current podcast guests Sophie and Julia from beatvest want to change that: More financial education for more money in old age.

72 – Financial education: Why do we need to talk about it? | Julia Kruslin & Sophie Thurner (beatvest) Read More »

#71 – Hype around ChatGPT & Co. – Game changer for the financial sector? | Anna Schweifel & Benedikt Wendlinger (zeb Consulting)

You can’t read predictions for 2023 either? So can we! All right, then, here’s something for your ears. Sebastian Scheib from our invest team invited Dr. René Fischer and Lilian Sachtleben (Oliver Wyman) into the virtual podcast studio to talk about relevant banking and FinTech trends in 2023.

#71 – Hype around ChatGPT & Co. – Game changer for the financial sector? | Anna Schweifel & Benedikt Wendlinger (zeb Consulting) Read More »

70 – Looking into the crystal ball: What awaits us in 2023? | Dr René Fischer and Lilian Sachtleben (Oliver Wyman)

You can’t read predictions for 2023 either? So can we! All right, then, here’s something for your ears. Sebastian Scheib from our invest team invited Dr. René Fischer and Lilian Sachtleben (Oliver Wyman) into the virtual podcast studio to talk about relevant banking and FinTech trends in 2023.

70 – Looking into the crystal ball: What awaits us in 2023? | Dr René Fischer and Lilian Sachtleben (Oliver Wyman) Read More »

#69 – Quo Vadis Construction Financing? | Tomas Peeters (Baufi24 Baufinanzierung AG)

“Der Anfang vom Ende des Baufi-Booms!” – Diese Schlagzeile hat vor Kurzem nicht nur Barkow Consulting gewählt. Auf dem Markt mit den Baufinanzierungen ging es jahrelang nur bergauf. Doch dann kam die Zinswende und damit ein Abschwung. Doch ist es wirklich so schlimm? Und was können wir in der nahen Zukunft erwarten? Antworten darauf geben Sebastian, Dennis zusammen mit Experte Tomas Peeters (CEO, Baufi24 Baufinanzierung AG). 

#69 – Quo Vadis Construction Financing? | Tomas Peeters (Baufi24 Baufinanzierung AG) Read More »

68 – Credit scoring: How are companies rated? | Jens Junak (Creditsafe) – GERMAN

Wie ermittelt man eigentlich die Kreditwürdigkeit von Unternehmen? Es wird alltäglich gemacht und ist die Grundlage für viele Businesses, doch was passiert eigentlich im Hintergrund? Welche Daten werden herangezogen und von wem? Diese und viele weitere Fragen beantworten Dirk und Sebastian im Gespräch mit Jens Junak (Country Manager Deutschland, Creditsafe).

68 – Credit scoring: How are companies rated? | Jens Junak (Creditsafe) – GERMAN Read More »

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