
#67 – How to build a modern core banking system? | Anton Langbroek (Mambu)

Many established banks groan under their legacy IT systems. Especially when it comes to adapting quickly and agilely to changing customer needs. New providers, such as Mambu, show how things can perhaps be done differently. Probably the most unknown (FinTech) unicorn in Germany. What makes Mambu different from other providers and how do they build a modern core banking system? Find out this and much more in Dirk and Sebastian’s conversation with Anton Langbroek (Mambu).

#67 – How to build a modern core banking system? | Anton Langbroek (Mambu) Read More »

#66 – Emotions with eggs, ponytails & hens | Oliver Spitzer (september)

Emotions are sometimes difficult to control, sometimes annoying, but just as often simply beautiful. In the end, they accompany us at every turn – and are accordingly important for communication and advertising. But how do you properly advertise FinTechs and banks? They don’t have a “real” product at all, do they?

#66 – Emotions with eggs, ponytails & hens | Oliver Spitzer (september) Read More »

#65 – What happens when I click on the “Trade Button”? | Max Linden (lemon.markets)

“Sind Grüne Staatsanleihen nicht doch eher Greenwashing?” Diese provokante Frage hat unser heutiger Interviewgast Michael Viehmann (Sauren Fonds-Research) in den Raum gestellt. Doch warum eigentlich? Was ist das Problem mit staatlichen Green Bonds und ihrem Anspruch grün zu sein? Und was ist der Unterschied zu Unternehmensanleihen? Viele Fragen, viele Antworten, die Michael im Gespräch mit Sebastian und Dennis gibt. 

#65 – What happens when I click on the “Trade Button”? | Max Linden (lemon.markets) Read More »

#64 – Are Green Bonds Greenwashing? | Michael Viehmann (Sauren) – GERMAN

“Sind Grüne Staatsanleihen nicht doch eher Greenwashing?” Diese provokante Frage hat unser heutiger Interviewgast Michael Viehmann (Sauren Fonds-Research) in den Raum gestellt. Doch warum eigentlich? Was ist das Problem mit staatlichen Green Bonds und ihrem Anspruch grün zu sein? Und was ist der Unterschied zu Unternehmensanleihen? Viele Fragen, viele Antworten, die Michael im Gespräch mit Sebastian und Dennis gibt. 

#64 – Are Green Bonds Greenwashing? | Michael Viehmann (Sauren) – GERMAN Read More »

#63 – Sustainable Internet – how does it work? | Theo Voss (Inter.link GmbH) – GERMAN

Wie soll ich mein Geld anlegen? Wie habe ich im Alter genug Geld? Wie lege ich nachhaltig an? Muss ich das überhaupt? Rund um die Geldanlage gibt es viele Fragen. Gut, dass Dirk und Augustin mit Prof. Dr. Andreas Hackethal (Goethe Universität, Frankfurt) einen wahren Experten zu Gast hatten, der ihnen Rede und Antwort stand.

#63 – Sustainable Internet – how does it work? | Theo Voss (Inter.link GmbH) – GERMAN Read More »

#62 – What should be considered when investing money? | Prof. Dr. Andreas Hackethal (Goethe Universität, Frankfurt) – GERMAN

Wie soll ich mein Geld anlegen? Wie habe ich im Alter genug Geld? Wie lege ich nachhaltig an? Muss ich das überhaupt? Rund um die Geldanlage gibt es viele Fragen. Gut, dass Dirk und Augustin mit Prof. Dr. Andreas Hackethal (Goethe Universität, Frankfurt) einen wahren Experten zu Gast hatten, der ihnen Rede und Antwort stand.

#62 – What should be considered when investing money? | Prof. Dr. Andreas Hackethal (Goethe Universität, Frankfurt) – GERMAN Read More »

#61 – BaaS: Is unbundling starting now? | Lars Markull (weavr.io) – GERMAN

Banking-as-a-Service, or BaaS for short, is the basis for many current trends such as vertical banking or embedded finance. But we are seeing more and more movement on the BaaS market and individual providers focusing on individual segments (e.g., Upvest, lemon.markets) and offering their services there.

Is this just a phase or the beginning of a larger trend, i.e. BaaS unbundling? That’s exactly what we wanted to know, so we invited Lars Markull (weavr.io) into the virtual podcast studio. Due to vacation and illness situation today with guest host Dennis.

#61 – BaaS: Is unbundling starting now? | Lars Markull (weavr.io) – GERMAN Read More »

#60 – Corporate Banking – Immune to disruption or a matter of time? | Kevin Krüger (TLGG Consulting) – GERMAN

Corporate Banking. It sounds simple, but it’s really complex. It starts with the definition of where corporate customers actually start, what is still an entrepreneurial customer, what is a medium-sized customer, etc. And what about innovation in the area? And what about innovation in this area? Where does it come from? 

#60 – Corporate Banking – Immune to disruption or a matter of time? | Kevin Krüger (TLGG Consulting) – GERMAN Read More »

#59 – Zebras and Unicorns – What is Impact Investing? | Ingo Dahm (capacura) – GERMAN

ESG investing, impact investing, sustainable investing – it all sounds good, but what is actually what? What are the differences? All very confusing. But not only that.

Sometimes funds/ETFs boast of being sustainable, but really aren’t. Problems with the current classification of ESG are certainly one reason for this.

We want to shed some light on this. That’s why Sebastian and Dirk brought an expert in impact investing into the virtual podcast studio.

With Dr. Ingo Dahm from capacura, they discuss, among other things, zebras and unicorns.

#59 – Zebras and Unicorns – What is Impact Investing? | Ingo Dahm (capacura) – GERMAN Read More »

#58 – What happened to the BNPL hype? | Dr. Rene Fischer & Philipp Bulis (Oliver Wyman) – GERMAN

Quite a lot going on in the BNPL market. On the one hand, the valuation of European BNPL super-FinTech Klara has “crashed” from $45.6 billion to $6.7 billion. But listed competitor Affirm is doing only marginally better. Is the BNPL hype over?

On the other hand, Apple is getting into BNPL, and shortly before this podcast was published, Deutsche Bank announced its entry into the BNPL market.

#58 – What happened to the BNPL hype? | Dr. Rene Fischer & Philipp Bulis (Oliver Wyman) – GERMAN Read More »

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