Neosfer participates in follow-up financing round of SQUAKE

Neosfer, the early-stage investor of Commerzbank, is again investing in the start-up SQUAKE as an existing investor. Lead investor Simon Capital is also involved, followed by Backbone Ventures, Rivus Capital, Schenker Ventures, Lufthansa Group and several business angels. SQUAKE thus closes its 5 million euro seed round. Find out more here.

Neosfer participates in follow-up financing round of SQUAKE Read More »

Neosfer invests in Caya as part of a follow-on financing round

neosfer, the early-stage investor of Commerzbank, is once again participating in the start-up Caya as an existing investor. Also, part of the six million euro follow-on financing round are Müller Medien, IBB Ventures, Dutch Founders Fund, HV Capital and several business angels, including Christian Oldendorff. Find out more here.

Neosfer invests in Caya as part of a follow-on financing round Read More »

Apple Vision Pro: Is this the XR breakthrough? | Thomas Zuchtriegel (CORTICORE)

Wir wissen nicht, wie das bei euch war, aber unsere Social Media Feeds waren letzte Woche voll davon: die Apple Vision Pro. Am Montag, 05. Juni 2023, hat Apple auf seiner jährlichen WWDC-Konferenz sein neuestes Gadget vorgestellt, eine XR-Brille. Ist der erste Hype darum gerechtfertigt? Und was ist an dem strategischen Ansatz Apples interessant? Diese und weitere Fragen besprechen Dirk und Dennis im Podcast mit Thomas Zuchtriegel (Co-Founder & CEO, CORTICORE).

Apple Vision Pro: Is this the XR breakthrough? | Thomas Zuchtriegel (CORTICORE) Read More »

Championing Female Entrepreneurship

/ insights  Invest Build Connect Insights Jobs About Submit Pitchdeck BtT Podcast Newsletter Languages Invest Build Connect Insights Jobs About Submit Pitchdeck BtT Podcast Newsletter Languages Championing Female Entrepreneurship: Unraveling Challenges and Forging Ahead in Diverse Industries Entrepreneurship 27 min reading time Share on twitter Share on linkedin Introduction to Female Entrepreneurship In today’s rapidly

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German Award for Sustainability Projects: Neosfer with IMPACT SOLUTIONS honoured as award recipient

The online platform IMPACT SOLUTIONS has been named award recipient of the German Award for Sustainability Projects. The project by neosfer, the innovation unit of Commerzbank, was nominated in the category “Supply Chain – Online Platform”. For the third time, the award honours the best sustainability projects in the German corporate landscape. The award is

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DORA: What lies ahead for financial service providers? | Markus Priller (Deloitte)

The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) is not only a word monster, but will soon become an important component for the IT security of banks. The regulation came into force on 16 January 2023, and from then on financial companies will have 24 months to implement all regulatory requirements. All with one goal: to minimise vulnerability to ICT disruptions and cyber threats. We asked ourselves what financial service providers will have to face in the coming months.

DORA: What lies ahead for financial service providers? | Markus Priller (Deloitte) Read More »

Quantum Computing: The use cases for the future of computing

/ insights  Invest Build Connect Insights Jobs About Submit Pitchdeck BtT Podcast Newsletter Languages Invest Build Connect Insights Jobs About Submit Pitchdeck BtT Podcast Newsletter Languages Quantum Computing: The use cases for the future of computing Tech 17 min reading time Share on twitter Share on linkedin Introduction to the Quantum Computing Applications Quantum computers

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Sustainable construction financing: More appearance than reality? | Carsten Zimmermann (Bundesverband Baufinanzierung e.V.)

Sustainable construction financing is becoming more and more popular. This means that financing sustainable construction should become increasingly important. One would think so. It should be strictly and clearly regulated. One would think. But: as in so many areas related to sustainability, a lot is still in the making. Time for Dennis and Dirk to talk about this in the podcast with Carsten Zimmermann (Bundesverband Baufinanzierung e.V.).

Sustainable construction financing: More appearance than reality? | Carsten Zimmermann (Bundesverband Baufinanzierung e.V.) Read More »

Quantum Computing: Revolutionizing the future of computational power

/ insights  Invest Build Connect Insights Jobs About Submit Pitchdeck BtT Podcast Newsletter Languages Invest Build Connect Insights Jobs About Submit Pitchdeck BtT Podcast Newsletter Languages Quantum Computing: Revolutionizing the future of computational power Tech 20 min reading time Share on twitter Share on linkedin Introduction to the Basics of Quantum Computing Today, we’re embarking

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Are we experiencing a FinTech “turn of the times”? | Christopher Schmitz (EY)

N26 and Revolut devalued, layoffs at FinTechs, insolvencies – are we currently seeing a “turn of the times” on the FinTech market? Or is everything half as bad? We at neosfer have been asking ourselves this question for quite some time. Reason enough to talk about it in the podcast, Sebastian and Dirk have therefore invited Christopher Schmitz (EY) into the virtual podcast studio.

Are we experiencing a FinTech “turn of the times”? | Christopher Schmitz (EY) Read More »

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