Your head start for all tech, sustainability, and vc trends in 2023

/ insights  Invest Build Connect Insights Jobs About Submit Pitchdeck BtT Podcast Newsletter Languages Invest Build Connect Insights Jobs About Submit Pitchdeck BtT Podcast Newsletter Languages Your head start for all tech, sustainability, and vc trends in 2023 Sustainability Technology 16min reading time Share on twitter Share on linkedin Remember our article about all the […]

Your head start for all tech, sustainability, and vc trends in 2023 Read More »

70 – Looking into the crystal ball: What awaits us in 2023? | Dr René Fischer and Lilian Sachtleben (Oliver Wyman)

You can’t read predictions for 2023 either? So can we! All right, then, here’s something for your ears. Sebastian Scheib from our invest team invited Dr. René Fischer and Lilian Sachtleben (Oliver Wyman) into the virtual podcast studio to talk about relevant banking and FinTech trends in 2023.

70 – Looking into the crystal ball: What awaits us in 2023? | Dr René Fischer and Lilian Sachtleben (Oliver Wyman) Read More »

AI for good: How companies can harness the power of AI for positive impact

/ Insights Invest Build Connect Insights Jobs About Submit Pitchdeck BtT Podcast Languages Newsletter Invest Build Connect Insights Jobs About Submit Pitchdeck BtT Podcast Languages Newsletter AI for good: How companies can harness the power of AI for positive impact Artificial Intelligence Tech 16min reading time Share on twitter Share on linkedin Perhaps you have

AI for good: How companies can harness the power of AI for positive impact Read More »

Artificial Intelligence: What is it and where does it come from?

/ Insights Invest Build Connect Insights Jobs About Submit Pitchdeck BtT Podcast Languages Newsletter Invest Build Connect Insights Jobs About Submit Pitchdeck BtT Podcast Languages Newsletter Artificial Intelligence: What is it and where does it come from? Artificial Intelligence Tech 12min reading time Share on twitter Share on linkedin Whether it is on the Daily

Artificial Intelligence: What is it and where does it come from? Read More »

The Insights you need: the year in Tech, Sustainability, Banking and Venture Capital

/ Insights Invest Build Connect Insights Jobs About Submit Pitchdeck BtT Podcast Languages Newsletter Invest Build Connect Insights Jobs About Submit Pitchdeck BtT Podcast Languages Newsletter The Insights you need: the year in Tech, Sustainability, Banking and Venture Capital Finance Tech Sustainability 17min reading time Share on twitter Share on linkedin The year is coming

The Insights you need: the year in Tech, Sustainability, Banking and Venture Capital Read More »

#69 – Quo Vadis Construction Financing? | Tomas Peeters (Baufi24 Baufinanzierung AG)

“Der Anfang vom Ende des Baufi-Booms!” – Diese Schlagzeile hat vor Kurzem nicht nur Barkow Consulting gewählt. Auf dem Markt mit den Baufinanzierungen ging es jahrelang nur bergauf. Doch dann kam die Zinswende und damit ein Abschwung. Doch ist es wirklich so schlimm? Und was können wir in der nahen Zukunft erwarten? Antworten darauf geben Sebastian, Dennis zusammen mit Experte Tomas Peeters (CEO, Baufi24 Baufinanzierung AG). 

#69 – Quo Vadis Construction Financing? | Tomas Peeters (Baufi24 Baufinanzierung AG) Read More »

68 – Credit scoring: How are companies rated? | Jens Junak (Creditsafe) – GERMAN

Wie ermittelt man eigentlich die Kreditwürdigkeit von Unternehmen? Es wird alltäglich gemacht und ist die Grundlage für viele Businesses, doch was passiert eigentlich im Hintergrund? Welche Daten werden herangezogen und von wem? Diese und viele weitere Fragen beantworten Dirk und Sebastian im Gespräch mit Jens Junak (Country Manager Deutschland, Creditsafe).

68 – Credit scoring: How are companies rated? | Jens Junak (Creditsafe) – GERMAN Read More »

A new approach to sustainable supply chains – driving forces and technological innovations

/ Insights Invest Build Connect Insights Jobs About Submit Pitchdeck BtT Podcast Languages Invest Build Connect Insights Jobs About Submit Pitchdeck BtT Podcast Languages A new approach to sustainable supply chains – driving forces and technological innovations Sustainability Supply chain Legislation 17min reading time Share on twitter Share on linkedin Disclaimer: This Insight article was

A new approach to sustainable supply chains – driving forces and technological innovations Read More »

#67 – How to build a modern core banking system? | Anton Langbroek (Mambu)

Many established banks groan under their legacy IT systems. Especially when it comes to adapting quickly and agilely to changing customer needs. New providers, such as Mambu, show how things can perhaps be done differently. Probably the most unknown (FinTech) unicorn in Germany. What makes Mambu different from other providers and how do they build a modern core banking system? Find out this and much more in Dirk and Sebastian’s conversation with Anton Langbroek (Mambu).

#67 – How to build a modern core banking system? | Anton Langbroek (Mambu) Read More »

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